- 203.01 COURSE New Patient Orthodontic Exam - Part 1-Interview and History
- 203.02 COURSE - New Patient Orthodontic Exam - Part 2-Radiographic Exam
- 207.01 COURSE - Alginate Impressions Procedure
- A Brief Team Introduction to Invisalign - DRAFT A 14.1
- A General Orthodontic Examination Of The Patient
- A Guarantee of Arterial Wellness: Critical Role of Oral Health - COMPLETE SERIES
- A Guarantee of Arterial Wellness: Critical Role of Oral Health Part 1 - Are you and or your patients at risk for arterial disease?
- A Guarantee of Arterial Wellness: Critical Role of Oral Health Part 2 – Basics of the Bale/Doneen Method- A Guarantee for Arterial Wellness
- A Guarantee of Arterial Wellness: Critical Role of Oral Health Part 3 – The Oral-Systemic Connection to Arterial Wellness
- Abnormal Dental Development In The Mixed Dentition
- Abnormalities of the Dentition
- Accurate & Easy Alignate Impressions
- Acting with Integrity
- Acupuncture In Dentistry
- Adhesive Bridges
- Administration Of Intravenous Sedation
- Aetiology Of Caries
- Aetiology of Tooth Surface Loss
- Aims of Endodontics
- An Introduction to Posterior Guided Occlusion Part 2: The Evidence for Posterior-Guided Occlusion (PGO) DRAFT
- An Introduction to Posterior Guided Occlusion Part 3: Clinical Applications DRAFT
- An Introduction to Solutions Provider Training A13.1
- An Introduction to Sustainable Dentistry and Measuring Carbon in Healthcare
- An Underperforming Colleague - What to Do
- Analgesics Used For Management Of Dental Pain
- Anatomy Relevant To Conscious Sedation In Dental Practice
- Angelvator Large (prototype) - #31 roots
- Anglevator #1 soft tissue impaction #16
- Anglevator & 150 - #1 & 32
- Anglevator & 150 - #1 & 32
- Anglevator & 150 - #1 & 32 pericoronitis
- Anglevator & 150 - #13
- Anglevator & 150 - #14
- Anglevator & 150 - #16 decayed large roots
- Anglevator & 150 - #6 root & #5
- Anglevator & Bird Beak (Ash) - #5 & 12 per ortho
- Anglevator & Bird Beak - #4
- Anglevator & Cowhorn - #18 Broken root canal
- Anglevator & mini 150 #17, 20, 21
- Anglevator & mini 150 - #1 large wisdom tooth
- Anglevator & mini 150 - #15
- Anglevator & mini 150 - #17 partial impaction
- Anglevator & mini 150 - #18, 20, 21 root tips
- Anglevator & mini 150 - #30 & 20 Root tips
- Anglevator & mini 150 - #30 RCT root tips
- Anglevator (prototype) - #32 elderly, limited opening
- Anglevator (prototype) - #8 broken RCT
- Anglevator - #1
- Anglevator - #11 #16 decayed roots
- Anglevator - #11 & 15 root tips
- Anglevator - #13 root
- Anglevator - #16
- Anglevator - #17
- Anglevator - #17 & 32
- Anglevator - #18
- Anglevator - #29 decayed root tip
- Anglevator - #29 fractured crown
- Anglevator - #31 severe root angle & decay
- Anglevator - #32 decayed
- Anglevator - #32 mild pericoronitis
- Anglevator - #32 partial impaction
- Anglevator - #32 severe decay
- Anglevator - #4 2-broken & decayed roots
- Anglevator - #5 RCT root
- Anglevator - #5, 25, 26 root tips
- Anglevator - multiple molar extractions
- Anglevator - multiple root tip extractions
- Anglevator - Sialolith removal from submandibular duct
- Anglevator Ad QuickTime
- Anglevator Highlights
- Anglevator Introduction
- Anglevator Large - #1 & 16
- Anglevator Promo - multiple extractions
- Anterior Open Bite and Instruments and Bruxism - Session#1: Unit 5
- Applying Knowledge and Evidence
- Appraising Information
- Appropriate Imaging Examination For A Patient
- Articulators and Facebows
- Assessing and Treating Calcified Canals
- Assessing Patient Adherence
- Assessing The Anxious Patient
- Assessing The Articulatory System
- Assessing The Intra-Oral Soft Tissues
- Assessment For Dental General Anaesthesia
- Assessment For Orthodontic Referral
- Assessment of Benign Soft Tissue Lesions of the Oral Cavity
- Assessment of Dental Age
- Assessment Of Disease Levels And Factors That Will Impact On Caries Status
- Assessment Of Disease Levels And Factors That Will Impact On Periodontal Status
- Assessment of Ectopic Canine, Premolar and Supernumerary Teeth
- Assessment of Odontogenic Infections
- Assessment of Un-erupted, Partially Erupted and Ectopic Molars
- Audit As A Tool For Quality Dentistry
- Banding - Session #2: Unit 4
- Basic Principles of Implantology
- Becoming Informed about Informed Consent by Dr. Larry Jerrold
- Behavioural Assessment for Invisalign B6.1
- Behavioural Management Techniques In The Anxious Patient
- Benign Tumours: Bone Tumours
- Benign Tumours: Soft Tissue Tumours
- Bleaching
- Bleeding Disorders of Importance in Dentistry
- BPE Guidelines
- Bridgework Terminology
- Building and Maintaining Relationships
- Canal Obturation
- Canal Preparation: Basic Preparation Techniques
- Canal Preparation: Rotary Techniques
- Cardiac Arrythmias
- Cardiac Challenges of the Dental Practitioner
- Cardiovascular Physiology Relevant To Conscious Sedation
- Career Progression for Dental Receptionists
- Caries Diagnosis and Management Of Occlusal Caries
- Caries Prevention
- Case Presentation Tips And Difficult Patients
- Causes And Solutions Of Broken Appointments
- CBCT Interpretation for TMD & OSA
- Cements
- Central Mediators of Pain
- Cephalometric X-Rays - Session #1: unit 4
- Ceramics
- Challenges Of Dental Care For The Pregnant Patient
- Changes Following Tooth Extraction
- Changing Patterns Of Oral Health And Disease
- Changing the face of Education: GIE Dental Lab
- Child Protection
- Classification Of Periodontitis
- Clear braces - Session#4: Unit 1
- Clincheck Communication B3.1
- Clinical Assessment for Invisalign (1) B7.1
- Clinical Assessment for Invisalign (2) B2.1
- Clinical Examination of Tooth Surface Loss
- Clinical Priorities
- Common Cancers in the Dental Patient Population
- Common Classifications And Indices Of Occlusion And Malocclusion
- Common Manifestations of Viral Infections of the Oral Mucosa
- Communicating with Colleagues Communication CPD Module 6.2
- Communicating with Patients Communication CPD Module 6.3
- Communication And Treatment Planning
- Communication Skills for Dental Receptionists
- Complaints Handling for Dental Receptionists
- Complete Dental Business Excellence Workshop
- Complete Denture Stability
- Complications and Maintenance of Dental Implants
- Complications Of Dental Local Anaesthesia
- Complications of Minor Oral Surgery
- Composite Restorations
- Consent for Retention Workbook
- Consumer Agencies
- Continuing Personal Development
- Conventional Bridges: Impression Techniques
- Conventional Bridges: Maintenance and Dealing With Failures
- Conventional Bridges: Temporary And Provisional Bridges
- Conventional Bridges: Tooth Preparation
- Conventional Bridges: Try In And Cementation
- Crowns: Impression Techniques and Soft Tissue Management
- Crowns: Principles, Planning and Preparation
- Cysts of the Oral Cavity: Bone Cysts
- Cysts of the Oral Cavity: Soft Tissue Cysts
- Dealing with Payments for Dental Receptionists
- Decontamination
- Defining Quality In Health Care
- Defining TM(J) Disorders
- Delivering Prevention To The Community
- Delivering Prevention To The Patient
- Delivering Therapeutic Agents
- Dental Amalgam
- Dental Business Excellence Workshop Module 1
- Dental Business Excellence Workshop Module 2
- Dental Business Excellence Workshop Module 3
- Dental Business Excellence Workshop Module 4
- Dental Ceramics - The complete video course
- Dental Local Anaesthetic Agents
- Dental Practice Management Introduction
- Dentine Bonding
- Dentine Caries And Pulpal Responses
- Dentine Hypersensitivity
- Dermatological Problems in the Dental Patient
- Determining Prognosis
- Detrimental Effects Of Enforced Tooth Loss
- Developing Networks
- Developing Rapport
- Developing Self-awareness
- Developmentally Disabled Oral and Dental Care
- Diabetes in the Dental Patient
- Diagnosis and Management of Headaches
- Diagnosis Of Pulpal Status
- Diseases of the Bone
- Disorders of the Gastro-intestinal Tract
- Domestic Violence in Health Care Practice
- Drug Interactions
- Early Ortho Treatment and Schwarz Appliance - Session#1: Unit 1
- Early Orthodontic Treatment Anterior Crossbite and Posterior Crossbite - Session#1: Unit 2
- Effective Communication
- Effective Exodontia
- Effective Teamworking
- Elastics, Tying, Power chain, Coils, Hands on Mechanics. & Hands on Sectionals - Session #2: Unit 3
- End of Treatment Assessment with Invisalign C12.1
- Endocrine Challenges for the Dental Practitioner
- Endodontic Access
- Epidemiology Of Caries
- Epidemiology Of Periodontitis
- Epidemiology of Tooth Surface Loss
- Erosive Potential
- Evaluating Impact
- Evidence-Based Practice
- Face to Face 1 - Trouble in Torque Town
- Factors Influencing the Use of Dental Local Anaesthesia
- Fissure Sealing - When And Where
- Fitting Complete Dentures
- Fixed Orthodontic Appliances
- Fixed Space Maintainers
- Fractured Cusps
- Full Mouth Approach To Therapy
- Functional Orthodontic Appliances
- GDC Standards Summary for Dental Receptionists
- Gingival Enlargement
- Growth Patterns And Growth Prediction
- Halitosis
- Health and Safety for Dental Receptionists
- Hiring Tips And Performance Appraisals
- Holistic Assessment Of The Patient
- Host Response And Susceptibility
- How administartive systems add to quality for Dental Receptionists
- How And When To Refer Patients
- Hypnosis In Dentistry
- Identification Of Digit Sucking And Other Habits In The Young Patient
- Identifying the Context for Change
- Imaging Techniques Needed In Periodontal Diagnosis
- Impacted cuspids - Session#4: Unit 3
- Implant Planning - Clinical Assessment
- Implant Planning - Radiographic Assessment
- Impression Materials
- Impression Techniques
- Improving your Invisalign Consent Records: workbook
- Increaing Patient Comfort for Dental Receptionists
- Index Of Orthodontic Treatment Need
- Indications And Contra-Indications For Space Maintenance
- Infection and Surgical Management
- Infection Control in Dentistry
- Infection control in Dentistry
- Infectious Disease and the Dental Patient
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Inhalation Sedation Equipment
- Inlay And Onlay Restorations
- Innate And Adaptive Immunity
- Inquiry Response Workbook
- Intra-oral White Patches
- Intraligamentary Anaesthesia
- Intraosseous Anaesthesia
- Intravenous Cannulation
- Intro to Orthodontics
- Intro to sleep - Session#4: Unit 4
- Introduction To Dental Local Anaesthesia
- Introduction To Dental Trauma
- Invisalign Product Knowledge Advanced Training Workbook
- Invisalign Product Knowledge Basic Training A12.1.1
- It's What's Up Front That Counts
- Jaw Relationships
- Joint Vibration Analysis
- Key Legislations
- Listening Skills Communication CPD Module 6.4
- Liver Disease and Impact on the Dental Patient
- Local Anaesthetic Techniques In The Mandible
- Local Anaesthetic Techniques In The Maxilla
- Local Risk Factors For Periodontitis
- Locomotion 1 - Additive & Subtractive Forces
- Locomotion 2 Deep Bite Correction
- Locomotion 3 - The Line Up
- Lumps of the Neck
- Macro And Microscopic Anatomy Of The Periodontal Tissues
- Maintaining Adhesive Bridge and Dealing With Failures
- Making Decisions
- Management of Abrasion
- Management of Attrition
- Management Of Bone Defects
- Management of Erosion
- Management of Failing Anterior Teeth in Children and Adolescents
- Management of Interproximal Caries in Anterior Teeth
- Management of Oral Ulcerations
- Management of Orofacial Malignancies
- Management of Orthodontic Emergencies
- Managing Pulpal Exposures
- Managing Risk
- Managing The Open Apex
- Managing Yourself
- Mandibular Movements
- MARA appliance - Session#4: Unit 5
- Marketing Mix
- Mechanisms of Early Normal Growth of the Craniofacial Skeleton
- Medical Emergencies for Dental Practitioners II
- Medical Emergencies: Basic Life Support
- Microabrasion
- Modern Restorative Practice
- Module 10: Sedation & Special Care
- Module 1: Introduction to Special Care Dentistry
- Module 2: Legal & Ethical Issues in Special Care Dentistry
- Module 3: Learning & Intellectual Disabilities
- Module 4: Treating People with Autism
- Module 5: Introduction to Geriatric Dentistry
- Module 6: Neuromuscular Disorders
- Module 7: Genetic & Congenital Disorders
- Module 8: Seizure Disorders
- Module 9: Approaches to Oral Disease Prevention, Treatment Planning, & Delivery
- Monitoring During Conscious Sedation
- Monitoring Outcomes: Have I Made A Difference?
- Mouth Guards
- Multi-Surface and Core Restorations: Vital and Non-vital Teeth
- Multicultural Teamwork Communication CPD Module 6.5
- Muscle palpations - Session #3: Unit 2
- Musculoskeletal Problems in the Dental Patient
- Negotiation
- Neurological Disorders I
- Neurological Disorders II
- Non Orthodontic Interceptive Procedures To Reduce The Severity Of Malocclusion
- Online Marketing Tips and Best Practices to Grow Your Practice
- Open Bite-Minimizing Orthodontic Relapse
- Oral Appliances for managing TMJ injuries and disorders
- Oral Care For The Pregnant Woman
- Oral Health Care Systems
- Oral Hygiene
- Oral Hygiene Methods
- Oral Thrush
- Orthodontic Case Study: Josh Age 5
- Orthodontic Case Study: Alex Age 5
- Orthodontic Retention
- Orthodontics And The Periodontally Involved Dentition Including Drifting
- osa for the dentist
- Overdentures
- Overview of Cleft Lip and Palate
- Partial Denture Design: Cast Analysis and Surveying
- Partial Denture Design: Connectors and Finalising the Design
- Partial Denture Design: Mouth Preparation and Working Impressions
- Partial Denture Design: Saddles, Rests And Retainers
- Partial Denture Treatment Planning
- Patient Assessment For Conscious Sedation
- Patient Feedback Techniques for Dental Receptionists
- Patient Reactivation
- Patient Referrals
- Patients Rights for Dental Receptionists
- Pediatric Sleep Apnea - Dentistry's Role
- Performing An Extra-Oral And Facial Examination
- Periodontal Assessment
- Periodontal Flap Surgery
- Periodontal Instrumentation Techniques
- Periodontal Pathogenesis
- Pharmacology Of Intravenous Sedation Agents
- Pharmacology Of Nitrous Oxide
- Phased Treatment Planning
- Phonetic Bite Technique and Overview of Appliances
- Posterior Guided Occlusion - an introduction: Part 1 The Evidence Base for Models of Occlusion DRAFT
- Postoperative Management
- Preoperative and Postoperative Assessment for General Anaesthesia
- Prevention of Medical Errors
- Principles Of Advanced Surgical Techniques
- Principles of ATLS
- Principles of Calcified Canals
- Principles Of Change Management
- Principles of Finance
- Principles Of Good Treatment Planning
- Principles Of Inhalation Sedation
- Principles Of Intravenous Sedation
- Principles of Management of Dental Trauma and Injuries
- Principles of Minor Oral Surgery
- Principles Of Prevention
- Principles Of Screening
- Professional Guidelines For Dental General Anaesthesia
- Prosthodontic Treatment of Dental Implants
- Radiography and Radiation Protection for Dentists and Dental Care Professionals
- Rationale For Surgery
- Records & Digital Photography - Session#1: Unit 3
- Recruitment, Selection And Retention
- Referring For Dental General Anaesthesia
- Referring to Secondary Care
- Reflective Practice
- Registration, Try In and Insertion Procedures
- Relines And Rebases
- Removable Orthodontic Appliances
- Removable Space Maintainers
- Renal Problems and Dental Care Provision
- Research Skills
- Respiratory Disorders and the Dental Patient
- Respiratory Physiology Relevant To Conscious Sedation
- Restoration Of Endodontically Treated Teeth
- Retention - Session#4: Unit 6
- Retention Techniques for Invisalign C13.1
- Reverse Face mask: Session #3: Unit 5
- Reviewing the Invisalign Clincheck Treatment Plan B4.1
- Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sle And Sjögrens Presentation In The Dental Patient
- Risk Assessment In Periodontology - Systemic Risk Factors
- Role of Bacteria in Oral Health
- Root Surface Caries
- Scheduling tips
- Selection Criteria For Radiographic Examination
- Sibilant Phoneme Bite Registration
- Six Keys of Occlusion & Advanced Cephs - Unit 1 of Session #2
- Smile Design
- Societal And Professional Perspectives Of Health And Disease
- Solutions Provider Module 4 A1.1.4
- Solutions Provider Telephone Training A1.1
- Special Tests And Baseline Records
- Specialist Referral
- Staff Meetings
- Strategies To Prevent Tooth Erosion
- Successful Diagnosis Of Radiographic Images
- Supportive Periodontal Therapy
- Surgical Endodontics
- Surgical Treatment of Dental Implants
- Tandem appliance - Session #3: Unit 4
- Teamworking and Patient Safety
- Temporary Crowns: Fitting and Cementation
- The A.R.T. Auxiliary Anterior Root Torque
- The Accurate Assessment And Diagnosis Of Symptoms Of Pain And Discomfort
- The Basic Periodontal Examination (Bpe)
- The Basic Rules of Oral Rehabilitation Session 5
- The Communication Chain Communication CPD Module 6.1
- The Development Of The Normal Occlusion - Primary, Mixed And Permanent
- The Diagnosis And Management Of Furcations
- The Difference Between Leadership And Management
- The Different Approaches In Assessing The Child Patient
- The Importance Of Good Record Keeping
- The Importance Of Leadership And Management
- The Invisalign Complimentary Consultation A3.1
- The Limitations Of Dental Health Education
- The Management of Digit Sucking Habits
- The Management Of Gingival Recession
- The Management Of Gingivitis
- The Management Of Periodontitis
- The Management Of Root Resection
- The Nature Of Root Surface Contamination
- The Oral Manifestations of HIV and AIDS
- The Periodontal-Endodontic Lesion
- The Physiological And Anatomical Basis Of Pain
- The Role Of Calculus In Disease
- The Role of Immunofluorescence
- The Role Of The Bacterial Biofilm
- The Symmetry-Sizer Mechanics
- The TEAM
- The Use Of Advanced Imaging Techniques In Dentistry
- The Use Of Antimicrobials
- Time Management
- Timing Of Interceptive Treatments
- TMJ- Session #3: Unit 1
- Tooth Isolation
- Tooth whitening versus bleaching
- Topical Anaesthetics
- Translating Information Into A Diagnosis
- Trauma In The Primary Dentition
- Trauma To Permanent Dentition
- Treatment Adherence
- Treatment Coordinator Pack
- Treatment of Benign Soft Tissue Lesions of the Oral Cavity
- Treatment of Ectopic Canine, Premolar and Supernumerary Teeth
- Treatment of Odontogenic Infections
- Treatment of Un-erupted, Partially Erupted and Ectopic Molars
- Treatment Planning For Bridges
- Understanding Oral Health Messages for Dental Receptionists
- Unit 1: Sleep Library
- Unit 2: Oral Appliance & Surgery
- Unit 3: Sleep case Bryan
- Unit 4: Introduction to Sleep
- Unit 5: CPAP
- Unit 6: Sleep Disorders in Children
- Unit 7: Sleep cases Jim & Audrey
- Unit 8: Sleep Case Studies: Kevin, David & Brenda
- Universal Precautions For Health Care Practice
- Use Of Aligner Technology
- Use Of Fluorides
- Using IT Safely for Dental Receptionists
- Veneers and Dentine Bonded Crowns
- Vital Pulpotomy and Pulpectomy Technique In Primary Molars
- Welcome
- What Are Diagnostic Skills?
- What Artefacts Constitute Clinical Records
- What Is Health Promotion?
- What Should Be Recorded In Clinical Notes
- Which Local Anaesthetics Should I Use?
- Why Is The Patient Here In Your Practice?
- Work Environment Importance
- Working within Teams